A new regulation was published today for remote work that emerged with the pandemic. Let's see what rights does the remote work regulation offer to workers?
With the coronavirus pandemic that broke out in 2020, companies switched to a remote working system. However, as it was not known that there would be a pandemic, there were no regulations for remote work. Today, the remote work regulation has been published. The rights to be granted to the employees have also been determined with this regulation.
What does the remote work regulation offer to employees and employers?
A written employment contract will be made between the employer and the employee for remote work. In this contract; information such as the description of the job, the way it is done, the duration and place of the work, and the payment of wages and fees.
The contract will also contain information on how to establish communication between the employer and the employee. In this way, the employee and the employer can be in constant contact.
In order for the employees to do their jobs efficiently in the home environment, the arrangement costs related to the venue will be covered by the employer. These conditions will be determined between the employer and the employee. If both parties agree, action will be taken.
The employer will meet the computer and mobile phone
The materials and work tools required for the production of goods and services in remote work will be covered by the employer, unless otherwise agreed in the employment contract.
Business-related vehicles will be covered by the employer. For example, computers, mobile phones and other tools will be among the tools that the employer should provide. These tools will be stated in writing by both parties.
The issues regarding the determination and compensation of the necessary expenses directly related to the production of goods or services arising from the work will be specified in the employment contract.
Working hours will also be specified in the contract. Wages will be charged for overtime work. The method and time interval of communication in remote work will be determined by the remote worker and the employer.
Employer; inform the remote employee about the business rules and the relevant legislation regarding the protection and sharing of data related to the workplace and the work done, and take the necessary measures for the protection of this data.
The employer will also have to meet the job security in the remote working system. In addition, works such as working with dangerous chemicals and radioactive materials will not be done remotely.