Greetings to all! Recently, we continue to work from home due to the fact that pandemic conditions have worsened both in our country and abroad. In fact, some companies have switched to a completely home working model, in other words, to the remote working method. From the point of view of companies, if office expenses are considered and if the personnel are loyal to their job, it stands as a very reasonable solution. Of course, there is a working part of the job. Some say that they will work more disciplined, focused and productive in the office, while others say that working from home is accomplished in a shorter time, and they get rid of some situations that waste time in the office such as road, clothing and food. Personally, I am in favor of going to work, of course, when healthy conditions are provided. There is no need to endanger anyone's health out of nowhere right now. Our social life is severely declining, and we can often see each other online and have problems with our close friends. It cannot replace face-to-face conversation, and of course, it cannot comfort us. While all this is happening around us, how we focus on our work, how we keep our motivation high while working from home, we will look at it under 8 headings.
1. Eliminate Distractions
You wake up in the morning, have a nice breakfast, it's time for work now, but you hear a noise everywhere and you regularly get up from your job. If you are in the office, maybe the work you will do in 1 hour will cost you 3 hours. For this, first of all, you should eliminate what is distracting you. If this distraction is something you really need to do, if the master comes to take care of your child because of a problem at home or something similar, first solve those things immediately and then start your work without interrupting. Of course, there is also a social media dimension. If it really interrupts your work, put your phone in another room furthest from the room you work in. Check your phone in between and every bit of your work. By taking a simple step in this way, you will see that things accelerate even if it is a bit.
2.Work Together With Music
It is scientifically proven that working with music increases motivation. Especially when you are doing a job that you have been successful in before, listening to the song you listen to motivates you more. If you are listening with headphones, you will instantly eliminate environmental sounds. At the same time, it means that you will strike a bit of a chain in the thoughts that affect your work in your head. In fact, there are lists on some online music broadcast channels that increase motivation and make it easier for you to focus. I recommend you to look.
3.Apply the Sandwich Theorem
No matter how much you love your job, there will always be annoying tasks from time to time. This could be css development for a back-end developer, or writing a query on sql for a front-end developer. If you are in such a situation, applying the sandwich theorem will be of great help to you. Put it in the queue and between 2 fun things you can do, place the one you don't want to do but have to do. In this way, that job will be out of the way, and on the other hand, your work will continue to flow.
4. Set Small, Achievable Goals
Looking at a big picture from afar or dreaming of it really motivates you. It is a serious mistake to start working by focusing on the big picture. Starting from small and feasible goals, moving slowly without losing the trace of the big picture will always satisfy you and allow you to progress faster to your goal even if you do not notice it.
5. Take frequent breaks
According to a study, the human brain is not the kind of organ that can withstand continuous work. The reason is that working constantly is actually a kind of continuous thinking and we spend the most energy in the human body while thinking. In order to obtain energy, we need a good oxygen source. A good solution may be to take frequent breaks and take some air. Even this technique is called pomodor technique. Of course, it is in your best interest to stay away from the phone during these breaks. Because there are too many applications in the phone that will distract you and extend the time of the break you have given. This is one of the most basic problems that can cause a 15-minute break to jump to 60 minutes.
6. Reward Yourself
I can say that this is the most convincing of the above items. Make sure to set a time limit when doing this. It will probably take time for the gift you give yourself. If I solve the error in the code within 1 hour, little things like watching an episode of my favorite anime or ordering a nice dinner can motivate you, or make sure you make the necessary effort on the way to that award you want to give yourself exactly what reward.
7. Have a Day-long Plan and Follow It!
Plan the next day at least a day in advance and act accordingly. Planning during the day will definitely slow you down and even make you waste half of that day. Therefore, knowing what to do next day will make a great contribution to you. No matter how overwhelmed you are, try to stick to that plan. As you complete your step-by-step tasks, your depression coefficient will decrease and you will probably feel much more comfortable at the end of the day.